
The Buzz

The Student Magazine of Savannah Country Day School

The Buzz

The Buzz


You Know You’re A Freshman When…

As we enter the back half of the semester, the freshmen are finally beginning to settle in. They are beginning to acclimate to the high school atmosphere, but there are still some defining aspects that everyone knows. 

You know you’re a freshman when you’re standing in the back of the student section at a football game, and the upperclassmen start yelling at you to move further back to make more room. Or when you realize that you have free periods now, except sometimes you have to go to freshman foundations instead, so really you only have one. Or when you’re kicked out of the library because you were being too loud. 

You especially know you’re a freshman when the upperclassmen make you clean up all the equipment after practice, and when you walk into the smell of candles every morning in history class. Or when people get mad at you in the hallways because you and your friends decided to stand in the way while people try to get to class.

Finally, when you sit in the senior section, then get kicked out by seniors, then complain about being kicked out. We know you find it funny when you clap for too long in assembly, which makes everything take longer.

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